Research Grants
- EPSRC Mathematical Sciences Small Grant "Developing Mathematics of New Composites of Metamaterials" (Feb 2022-Oct 2022). PI: Kisil, Co-I: Assier, PDRA: Matthew Nethercote. £79K
- European Commission H2020 MCSA-RISE "EffectFact: Effective Factorisation techniques for matrix-functions: Developing theory, numerical methods and impactful applications" (Sep 2021-Sep 2025). PI: Kisil. £169K
- Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship "Noise Reduction: Novel Mathematical Techniques for Aeroacoustic Metasurfaces" (Jan 2020-Jan 2025). PI: Kisil. £640K
- Dyson PhD iCASE studentship (Sep 2019-Sep 2023). Student: Thomas White. £90K
- EPSRC Impact acceleration funding. (Jun 2019-Mar 2020). PI: Parnell. PDRA: Robert Davey. £45K
- EPSRC Fellowship extension (EP/S019804/1). (Jun 2019-Jun 2022). PI: Parnell. £880K
- Dyson PhD CASE studentship (Apr 2019-Mar 2023). Student: Eleanor Russell. £40K
- Thales KTN PhD CASE Studentship (Sep 2017-Sep 2021). Student: Erik Garcia-Neefjes. £90K
- Thales Smart Hub 2. (Feb 2017-Feb 2020). PI: Parnell. £200K
- Thales UK CASE PhD studentship (Sep 2015- Jan 2020) £26K. Student: Georgia Lynott
- EPSRC First Grant Responsive mode "Canonical scattering problems" (Oct 2015-Sep 2017). PI: Assier. £94K.
- EPSRC Responsive mode "Ultrasonic propagation in complex media: correlated spatial distributions and multiple dispersed phases" (Oct 2015-Sep 2018). PI: Parnell/Abrahams. £270K.
- Dyson KTN PhD CASE studentship. (Sep 2014-Sep 2018). Student: William Rowley. £90K.
- NNS PhD CASE studentship. (Sep 2014-Sep 2018). Student: Robert Davey. £25K.
- EPSRC Fellowship. "NEMESIS". (Jun 2014-Jun 2019). PI: Parnell. £1.2M
- Thales "Smart HUB" (Jan 2014-Dec 2016). PI: Parnell/Abrahams £150K.
- Thales PhD studentship in materials modelling (Sep 2012- Sep 2016) Student: Duncan Joyce. £44K.
- Thales PhD studentship in hydroacoustics (Sep 2012- Sep 2016) Student: David Nigro. £44K
- Thales "Amfibious" project (Jun-Aug 2016). PI: Parnell. PDRA: Ellis Barnwell. £10K
- NNSP "William Penney Fellowship (Jun 2013-May 2016). PI: Hewitt. £150K.
- EPSRC Platform Grant "MAPLE". (Jan 2011-Dec 2015). PI: Abrahams. £526K
- EPSRC IAA Scope and feasibility study. (Apr-Oct 2015) PI: Parnell. PDRA: Ellis Barnwell. £39K
- EPSRC IAA incubator funding (Feb-Apr 2015). PI: Parnell. PDRA: Ellis Barnwell. £8K
- Thales Underwater Systems CASE PhD Studentship (Sep 2011-Sep 2015) Student: Maria Thorpe. £26K
- Thales MMath Project (Sep 2011-May 2012) Student: Duncan Joyce. £2.5K
- EPSRC KTA "Magic books" (Oct 2011-Sep 2012) £52K.
- Leverhulme Trust "The influence of microstructure on wave and front propagation through heterogeneous media" (Nov 2011-Oct 2014) (F/00 120/CC). PI: Parnell/Abrahams. £229K
- Thales Underwater Systems Summer Undergraduate Project (2011). Student: Duncan Joyce. £6K
- Thales Underwater Systems MMath Project (Sep 2010-May 2011). Student: Maria Thorpe. £2.5K
- EPSRC Responsive Mode(EP/H050779/1). "The influence of nonlinear pre-stress on wave propagation through viscoelastic composites." (Oct 2010 - Oct 2013). PI: Parnell. £303K
- Thales Underwater Systems CASE PhD Project (2010-2014). Student: Vicki Andrew. £22K.
- Thales Underwater Systems Summer Undergraduate Project (2010). Student: Maria Thorpe. £5K.
- EPSRC First Grant (new scheme) (EP/H010114/1). "Mathematical techniques for the assessment of damage and nonlinear behaviour in bone" (Oct 2010 - Sep 2012). PI: Parnell. £75K
- Thales Underwater Systems MMath Project (Sep 2009-May 2010). Student: Ben Poole. £2.5K.
- Thales Underwater Systems PhD Project (Sep 2009-Sep 2013). Student: Tom Shearer. £25K.
- EPSRC Overseas Travel Grant (EP/G064512/1). "Elastic, acoustic and water wave propagation through inhomogeneous media" (Oct 2010 - Sep 2012). PI: Parnell. £28K
- Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Small Grant (2008). PI: Parnell £500.
- London Mathematical Society, Scheme 1 (2008). PI: Parnell £2K.
- EPSRC/Thales PhD Case Studentship (Sep 2006-Apr 2012). Student: Natasha Willoughby. £81K
- EPSRC Small grant (EP/E000266/1). "The Second British-French Workshop on Mathematical Techniques for Wave Problems" (2006) PI: Abrahams. £8K.
- EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowship (GR/S92151/01). "The mathematical theory of homogenization with applications to industrial & biological composite materials" (30/9/2004 - 29/9/2007). £100K (Pre-FEC)