Learning Resources and Activities: Secondary |
Find learning resources and fun things to do for Key Stages 3 to 5 (Ages 11-18)
All activities undertaken must be risk assessed. Guidance can be found on the CLEAPSS website.
All activities undertaken must be risk assessed. Guidance can be found on the CLEAPSS website.
Key Stages 3 & 4 (CfE 3rd/4th & snr 4) Curriculum links: Waves and Sound Use everyday objects to learn about pitch and amplitude and how they are adapted in musical instruments. These fun activities are suitable for class or STEM club. |
Key Stages 4 (CfE Senior 4 & 5) Curriculum links: Waves and Sound Find out about the types of waves and their properties. Then download the worksheets to practise the key vocabulary. |
Key Stages 4 & 5 (CfE Senior 5 & 6) Curriculum links: Material Properties, Forces, Polymers In Part 1 we examine the famous Two Balloon experiment and find out why inflating a balloon is not always easy. |
Key Stages 4 & 5 CfE (Senior 5 & 6) Curriculum links: Material Properties, Forces, Polymers In Part 2 we examine viscoelastic behaviour, how it relates to balloons, and why we research it. |
Key Stages 4 & 5 (CfE Senior 5 & 6) Curriculum links: Waves and Sound Find out about resonance and standing waves and try out some experiments that explore them. |
Key Stages 2 to 4 (CfE 2nd +) Curriculum links: Mathematics: multiplication, number and place value, geometry, working mathematically Use mathematical mapping to create beautiful curved shapes. |
Try our fun investigations for KS3, with videos and experiment booklet
Curriculum links: Working Scientifically, Motion and Forces, Waves and Sound, Energy in Matter
Key Stage 4 and 5 (CfE Senior 5 & 6) Meet our PhD students and find out about their research. |
Key Stage 4 and 5 (CfE Senior 5 & 6) Learn about our research with these short illustrated videos. |