In January, Raphael Assier gave a 3 lecture series to an American Mathematical Society (AMS) Mathematics Research Community (MRC) entitled “An applied perspective on multidimensional complex analysis”, hosted by Harvard University.
Click here to find a list of virtual seminar series.
Papers from academic year 2019-2020 were discussed in October’s update, but some new publications have been released since then. Most recently in January, several examples from Raphael Assier appeared, including "A Surprising Observation in the Quarter-Plane Diffraction Problem", with I. D. Abrahams in SIAM J. Appl. Math, and "Analytical continuation of two-dimensional wave fields" with Andrey Shanin in Proc. R. Soc. A. An ongoing list can be found here.
Anastasia Kisil was part of a multi-institutional group that were successful in securing funding from European Commission H2020 MCSA-RISE for "EffectFact: Effective Factorisation techniques for matrix-functions". This is a joint venture between several European Institutions in the area of factorisation techniques, Wiener-Hopf and Riemann-Hilbert problems and related numerical techniques, beginning in September 2021. Anastasia, along with Anna Zemlyanova (Kansas State University), Gennady Mishuris (Aberystwyth University) and Xun Huang (Peking University) made a successful application to the BIRS Scientific Board to host a conference in the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (IASM) in Hangzhou, China. "Cross-Fertilisation of ideas from the Riemann–Hilbert Technique and the Wiener–Hopf Method" will be held in September 2022.
Online Engagement. In-person events are likely to be further postponed for the several months, and we are continuing to find ways to engage online. Our Virtual Postcards offer visual snapshots of our research themes, and our ongoing series, the A-Z of the Mathematics of Waves and Materials, takes an alphabetical journey through some of the key concepts behind our work. This week we reached the letter I, with a piece on inclusions, written by Neil Morrison, so there are plenty more updates to come! | |
March brings British Science week, and we are looking forward to engaging with local high school pupils with our virtual workshop “The Great Maths Hunt”, which will take a look at everyday life and challenge students to answer: “Where is the maths?” Students will uncover the hidden mathematical research behind everyday things, and find out who mathematicians work with, how they solve problems, and where a career in maths may take them.
Finally, during this extended International Year of Sound, the journal Frontiers for Young minds is preparing a special collection entitled “A World of Sound”. Frontiers for Young Minds is an open access scientific journal written for and reviewed by children. Naomi Curati is one of the collection editors, along with other members of the UK Acoustics Network. We look forward to reading the collection!